Author Submission Form

Please, when filling out the form, in the message portion, add a link to the Amazon, B&N, Smashwords or other site where you or the author you're submitting for's books can be purchased. Also, please leave an author bio or link to one, bio pic or link to one, and a link to their author blog or other author sites so potential readers can find them.

If you are interested in using your books or the books of the author you're submitting for(with their permission, of course) as part of a giveaway during the week featured, please mention doing so in the message portion, also. We will discuss further, when it's closer to the feature week, how the giveaway will play out.

Also, if there is anyone that you would personally like to give a shoutout to during your feature(e.g., Cover designer, Editor, Publishing Company, Pre-readers, etc), also list them in the message portion and anything specific you want added with their shoutout.

ARC's are also welcome but not required.

Response time can take up to 48 hours. Thanks for your patience.

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